Sunday, August 23, 2009


O hai! It's me, Dante! I hope you're all having a relaxin' Sunday so far.

I think Sunday should be a family day. So, I tries to hang out wif my family. Here are pichurs of me tryin' to strike up a confursation wif Domino, but she just ignores me and walks away! Sheesh!

Den Dylan comes along, and I gives him a liddle kiss, but he shoots right by me wifout a word! Sheesh again!

Finally, my Daddy comes along. I likes hangin' out wif my Daddy and at furst it was great. But sometimes he holds me kinda funny and den I has to wiggle around.

I fink I loves my Mama the most cuz she ALWAYS talks to me and when she holds me my feets don't dangle like dat. I feel safe and secure and very well loved. Da only problem wif Mama is dat she's always takin' pichurs! Some days a guy just can't win!

Hey, dat reminds me -- Mama, kin we has sheesh-ka-bobs fur dinner?


The Island Cats said...

Dante, you're look very floofy this fine Sunday! We hope you get your sheesh-ka-bobs! Sheesh!!!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Hope you enjoy your famaily Sunday!

Cory said...

Dante...considering your amazing good looks, I'm wondering why your mom would ever put the camera down!!!

Everycat said...

Your expression when you are wiggling as your Dad holds you is priceless!

Hope the rest of your Sunday contains lots of sheesh-ka-bobs (yum)


The Monkeys said...

It's a tough life being so handsome, Dante!

Reese =^..^= said...

Sheesh-ka-bobs?! I'll be right over.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sheesh-ka-bobs sound lishus. It's not fair that Dylan and Domino wouldn't talk to you. We could see you were getting wiggly when your dad was holding you.

Anonymous said...

My dear Dante', there are times when kitties as lovely as we are need to take into consideration that other kitties, and 'beans, don't have the taste and manners of those who are royalty born. My ♥ goes out to you, my dear, as I have to bear such a burden, as well.

Miss Camille Suzanne

PS: My momma is having me enter the calendar contest an' I will be makin' a post soon wif my photos. If I have a dreamy look in my eyes it is because I am thinking of you☺

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Purrs to you! Maybe the other kitteah were pur-occupied and didn't notice.. just give thems more headbutts =^_^=

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dante', Miss Camille Suzanne has selected a photo fur January, too! Our momma says that we must be magical connected.

Miss Camille Suzanne, the purr-ty

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I sort of hate it when I don't get the attention I want and then I get attention I don't want...

The Kitty Krew said...

Aw, poor Dante. Some days, you just can't win. Maybe you should go nap until the sheesh-ka-bobs are ready. :)

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

The Florida Furkids said...

We think the pictures of you with your Dad are precious! Your Dad is trying so hard not to show how you're squirming!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Jasmim said...

Thank you to the comments about Ted !

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Not so easy? Looks like u haz it PURRty good to us! U R a much luvd kitteh!

Anonymous said... those pictures wif yer daddy, we can really see how B~I~G you truly are! Yowza!!! And, furry handsome, we might add. Also, your Daddy does kinda hold you funny. We'd squirm too!

Noll's Nip said...

You are one big floofball of handsome!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Poor Dante - no kitties wanted to hang out with you. They must have had other plans (was Domino sneaking off to see Milo by any chance?) I am sure your daddy doesn't mean to hold you strange - daddy's just aren't good at holding kitties sometimes.

♣icefox♣ said...

You're choosing favrits in teh fambly, Dante?! Bad kitteh!