Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This is Dante, my bush baby. No, he has not morphed into some other species of beast! I call him this because he loves to sit under this one particular bush which basically marks the property line between our neighbour's front yard and our own. Also, Dante himself is quite bushy. Does this make any sense?

Real bush babies are sort of cute (in that so ugly, it's cute kind of way) -- but they are very tiny and have buggy eyes. Of course, then there's Barbara and Jenna Bush -- they're Bush babies too, but a whole lot prettier and much taller than the animal kind.

Anyway, I digress (as usual)! Lately, it's been hard to take a bad picture of Dante and these are no exception. I hope you enjoy seeing Dante and his fafurite bush. (No offence, but Dante wasn't a real fan of George, so the ex-President was never really in the running -- for fafurite bush, that is.)

P.S. We have a wonderful feature on the LOL-Spot titled "The Continuing LOL-Adventures of Space Paws". To take a look, just click on the LOL Icon at the top right of this post.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think Dante may be the only Bush I like!

Misha said...

Mummy tells me that Dante reminds of her of the big lions she would see under the trees when she went to Kenya.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

The is so beautiful!

The Florida Furkids said...

Handsome ManCat!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Monkeys said...

What a floofy bush-cat! He's always so gorgeous

The Kitty Krew said...

You make a good bush-cat, Dante! You're a gorgeous lion.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

SeaThreePeeO said...

Those are amazing photos of Dante, he looks so regal!

Anonymous said...

Dante, we bet it is completely impossible that you might take an un-awesome photo! Whoa!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

What a exquisite bush baby U R Sir Dante!

Looks like you really enjoyed your time communing with that bush!

Amy & the house of cats said...

I love these pictures of Dante - he always looks very serious to me but that second to last one he seems to have a ver mischevious look on his face.

Marlene said...

Dante is amazing! When I said I'd like prints, it's exactly what you thought. It would be great to have hard copies of his photos. I know I'll be printing up some of his portraits to add to my collection of beautiful kitty portraits.

I also love how you dress him up!

Anonymous said...

Dante is THE best looking Bush baby we have effur layed our eyes on!!!

wildcatwoods said...

Dante is a magnificent bush cat!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Dante', is there room under your bush for - dare I say - two of us?

Miss Camille Suzanne

Nina Torbie said...

Oh, Dante, you are the best Bush Baby ever! Mom sometimes calls us her little lions, but you look more lion-like than any other cat I've met! I'm a little intimidated.

Happy Cat Family said...

Lucky and Hope just passed out here - right before the :thud: they whispered....... love at first sight.... Tell me meowmy: do you believe in arranged marriage?
Lucky, Bugsy and Hope

Noll's Nip said...

I posted some photos of the big cats on my blog from my recent visit to the zoo: a tiger, a leopard and a linx. The one I didn't get a photo of was the lion. Dante reminds me of one. He is so kingly :)

Da Fambly Cat-a-blog Kittiez said...

Dearest Dante', only Miss Camille Suzanne has the desire to sit under the bush with you.

There are three lady cats in our home. Miss Aurora Katrina is a furry proper lady of quite firm Victorian sensibilities who would certainly succumb to the vapors at the mere suggestion of bush sitting with a young man-cat.

Miss Rosemary JOY! is a little tomboy and sweet momma's girl all rolled up in one. Miss Rosemary JOY! has no interest in checking out the bushes of man-cats due to her furry busy schedule playing hockey with milk rings and hunting down wild flies that come through the back door with the dogs. When night settles upon her home, Miss Rosemary JOY! only seeks out the lap of her momma for comfort and rest to gain energy for the next day's sports and hunting.

Therefore, Miss Camille Suzanne, being more self assured, and a bit on the wild side, desires to get to know you better and to share the shade under your bush. Although Miss Camille Suzanne is a cat who believes she can take on the world, it would be her momma's wish that the two of you sit under the bush with a nearby chaperon to be most proper and to PURRtect her good name.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Roar! Mr Bush Baby! Your Momma's been telling folks your weight...we can't compare. Our Mr Nick weighs nearly 14 lbs. Not so big as you, but we have another kitty who might come closer. We haven't introduced him yet so keep stopping by our place to find out who...
~Lisa Co9T