Saturday, February 13, 2010


You may recall that Dante had his last date with the lovely Miss Camille Suzanne of "Our Family Cat-a-blog" on New Year's Eve.  Since then, family issues have kept them apart;  Dante in Ottawa and Camille at her home in Michigan.

Here they are many miles from each other, but with a single thought.

"When will I see you again, my love?"

Well, since today is Valentine's Day, I told Dante he must go and see his beloved Camille.  So, he's off on his boogie mat to visit her at home.  Her mama's not well, and Camille is so devoted, she will not leave her side.  The only solution was for Dante to make his way there and spend the day with Camille and her entire family.

Dante is a very respectable young mancat, and thinks that it's time that he got to know everyone better.  As I write this, he is winging his way westward.  I just hope the weather holds out.

Dante made a special ecard for Miss Camille Suzanne that says everything he wants to say.  If you would like to see what he created, just click here:

Isn't young love grand?



Jacqueline said...

Dante and Camille are perfect for each other=two gorgeous cats with eyes only for each other!!...Very sweet and romantic card and post!...We hope you two have a very Happy Valentine's Day together!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohhhh... Dante, you put us to shame with your Mancatly-ness.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh how Romantic you are Dante!

Kas said...

That's such a sweet post Wendy, Good luck to Dante and his Valentine. Happy Valentine day to you.

Anonymous said...

My dearest, your Valentine has left me breathless - I can barely purr...

Spending this wonderful day with you, a day for lovers, will be such a sweet repast from my nursing duties. Alas, momma is healing well, so you and I will be able to spend some time together sipping strawberry milk shakes and nibbling on 'nip cookies. Rosemary JOY! has said she will keep momma company while you and I spend some special time on this day devoted to love and lovers.

SeaThreePeeO said...

How sweet! Happy Valentine's Day to you both! xxx

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Pets are cuter when you spay and neuter... but it's too bad Dante and his Lady Love can't make some beautiful kittens togeFUR! They are make a wonderful Cherry-Vanilla Delight!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You are such a gorgeous couple.....we know you will have a wonderful time together. Happy Valentine's Day to all. xxxxxxx

One Cats Nip said...

What an adorable couple! They are both so lucky to have each other I wish them both a great valentines day

Anonymous said...

You make a very beautiful couple. Have a Happy Valentine's day!

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

you two are sooo sweet! How did you manage to get mirror like photos?

I hope you gets to be together!

romance is in the air!

Happy Valentinez!

Katie and the Katz Gang

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Such a purrrty couple! You has matching gorgeous long fur =^_^= furry happy v-day to you!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Such a purrfect couple. I hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful.