Sunday, March 20, 2011


It's Sunday, and Dante was outside on the deck bench, just minding his own business.

The temPURRatures are slightly above freezing, so the snow is beginning to melt.  There's a slight breeze, though, which is actually refreshing.  Then, suddenly ...


These loud noises emanate from behind our next-door neighbour's fence!  At once Dante is on guard!

This calls for closer inspection.

Dante stretches out as far as possible and fixes his gaze to see what has happened.

If you stare long and hard enough, surely you're bound to see something!

The wind whips Dante's lynx tips, but he is undetered in his mission to discover the cause of the commotion.

Though, finally, after several minutes and no reoccurrence ...

... Dante stands down and tries to relax.  He decides to keep one eye open, though -- just in case!

Darn those noisy neighPURRS!


Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

BRRRR good thing you has such thick and gorgeous furs!

Cat Mandu said...

You still have snow, Dante! It is so hard to get a good nap with all that noise!

Anonymous said...

We know that you will be vigilant an' will keep your fambly furry an' furry safe from all harm 'cause you is a furry brave man-catty.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Dante we hope you got many treats for taking up the position of guard mancat when there was all that noise from your neighbours. We think you were furry furry brave.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Kea said...

Oh, we want to know what all the commotion was about! Spring cleaning? Starting home renos? We're cats, so of course we're curious! :-)

P.S. The sidebar tag for Annie really tugs at the mom's heart....She still finds it hard...thank you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

How rude that they ruined you morning in the yard!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh...again, I feel all fainty seeing you in action.

The Island Cats said...

Oh Dante, you shoulda raced over there and seen if they needed you help!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you are an excellent guard cat Dante, I wonder what it was?

Mr Puddy said...

Dante,You are big boy ! I don't think anyone dare !

Anonymous said...

What a great guard-cat you are! Did you find out what happened over there?

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Such a commanding presence, Dante' and we are sure you could tell that neighbor a thing or two!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Whatever that noise was....we will trade ya one loud woodpecker!!!!=^Y^=

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Don't you just hate it when your Sunday is disturbed by inconsiderate neighbors? Don't they know it's our day of kitty rest and relaxation?