Friday, March 25, 2011


To profile Dante is to profile a "typey" Maine Coon.  This is what the Cat Fancier's Association has to say about about them.

"Everything about the Maine Coon points to its adaptation to a harsh climate. Its glossy coat, heavy and water-resistant, is like that of no other breed, and must be felt to be appreciated. It is longer on the ruff, stomach and britches to protect against wet and snow, and shorter on the back and neck to guard against tangling in the underbrush. The coat falls smoothly, and is almost maintenance-free: a weekly combing is all that is usually required to keep it in top condition. The long, bushy tail which the cat wraps around himself when he curls up to sleep can protect him from cold winters. His ears are more heavily furred (both inside and on the tips) than many breeds for protection from the cold, and have a large range of movement. Big, round, tufted feet serve as 'snow shoes.' Their large eyes and ears are also survival traits, serving as they do increase sight and hearing. The relatively long, square muzzle facilitates grasping prey and lapping water from streams and puddles."

When shooting pictures of Dante in profile, his long square muzzle is especially apparent. His strong jaw is so very mancatly, don't you think?

Dante is quite lynx-like from the tips of his ears, to the extra-long fur around his face.

Here you can see Dante's lovely long ruff which forms part of his floofy undercoat. 

And here's the shorter fur on his back that acts like a raincoat.
 No profile would be complete without taking a look at that amazing tail.  Just look at the length of the fur on it!  It makes a great feather duster when totally spread out.
And finally, profiling Dante is more than just about his looks.  He is goofy, loving, sweet, loud, friendly, demanding of attention, and very social.  His most endearing habit is that he loves to give kisses -- on the mouth!  There's something for all those ladycats out there to dream about!


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a handsome dude you are, Dante.

The Monkeys said...

You sure are a handsome mancat, Dante! We love your lynx ears!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Can we both have one of your kisses please Dante - you are the most furry handsome fellow we know.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We just think you are handsome!

Catsparella said...

Dante is king of the mancats!

Anonymous said...

The Lynx ears, the square jow, the ruff. What's not to love? Princess Treasure

Sweet Purrfections said...

Dante is such a handsome mancat and you always get such wonderful pictures of him.

We received bad news at the vet today.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

He is a show cat for sure!

Cat said...

Wow......Dante s like a LION!!! You say lynx, but me, little tiny Tiny (I weigh about 5 pounds) think he is a big lion and I think I am love even if he is half my age!! Wow....a mancat like that should be loved with all four paws!! Purrs, Tiny (a bad cat!)

Katnip Lounge said...

Good Lord! What's with all the fainty LadyCats???...oh, I see.

Let me go get the smelling salts.

~~The Mommy

Admiral Hestorb said...

You KNOW I see all of that and I'm fainty from looking.

The Island Cats said...

Dante is one handsome cat!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

if I were a ladycat I would DEFINITELY be dreaming of Dante!

Cat Mandu said...

I like the way you sit up straight, Dante. I think I'll try that.
(Uh-Ok! Do you ever get a Charlie horse in your neck?!)

Mr Puddy said...

Salute...Mr. Dante !!!
Absolutely high profile : )

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dante, no wonder Miss Camille Suzanne purrs in her sleep about you. You are such a furry handsome man-catty of the highest order.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

That is one handsome PURRofile! You has such a strong chin and such loFURly lynx-tips!

Anonymous said...

Dante you are so,so handsome. I too have a Maine Coon cat and she is nothing like my other cats. Maine Coons truely are a breed of their own. I just love them. My male Maine Coon Simba is still so sorely missed he too was very special.

Freya's Staff said...

you are truly a king amongst cats! I so need to snorgle your belleh!
