Monday, September 7, 2009


Supermancat heard our call, and flew in for a repeat modelling session. The first time around, his modelling skills were rather sketchy. He must have been practising or something, because suddenly he looks like a natural.

Supermancat poses in various spots in the yard and stares deeply into the camera at times. Other times he has that far away look, and then there's the come hither look. He has them all down pat!

Supermancat is extremely amenable to any pose suggested. He even stood still on the bench for that windblown effect. The most amazing aspect of his modelling prowess is that he always looks mancatly, no matter what he is doing.

He must restrain himself from attacking the evil squirrels who try to taunt him during the course of the photoshoot. He is strong and can withstand any adversity. In this battle of wills, the squirrels have lost!

Supermancat reigns supreme!


8GR8LOLCATS said...

OH DANTE- You are worthy of this high praise!

Inscription on the royal tombs in Thebes read:

"Thou art the Great Cat, the avenger of the gods, and the judge of words, and the president of the sovereign chiefs and the governor of the holy Circle; thou art indeed…the Great Cat

Anonymous said...

Someday, Mr. Squirrel, Mr. Dante', superCAT of the realm will have his way with you and then you won't be all smiles and taunts!

Miss Camille Suzanne is distracted from her mooning over Jeff by viewing your manCATliness, Mr. Dante'. You are so like a handsome and strong lion that she is now asking her momma to place a photo of you near her favorite napping spot to comfort her until her human object of affection returns from the southern state of Georgia.

Of course, you will always be her manCATly object of affection and PURRfection.

The Florida Furkids said...

Dante you have the restraint of a real Supermancat! We would have been after those squirrels!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Dante; quite the man cat you are! You get a cape and everything! And those squirrels--come THAT close to you? Yea--Mr. Squirrel better not get so full of himself or he'll really find out what kind of Supercat he's dealin' with!


PS. Love the photos--especially by the flowers.

Jasmim said...

Supermancat is the best!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! That's some shirt. I'm not sure I would chase the squirrel if forced to wear it either...

Reese =^..^= said...

Dante! You are amazing in the superman shirt. It doesn't seem to even faze you. Good job, my friend.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Holy Feline, Batman! Supermancat looks like he could whip your butt if he cared too. Too cool! Co9T

The Island Cats said...

Dante! We love your Superman hoodie!! And you look fabulous in it!!!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

My goodness - look at that mane! A Supercat, indeed!

Tamar and Charlemagne

Us4 Cats said...

oh my gosh you are an absolutely beautiful kittycat. you looks like a lion. roarrrrr! takes my breath away handsome.


Kitty McCormack said...

*Meow* Go go go Dante! Xanthe and Nishiko xxx

Quill and Greyson said...

Super Dante!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Super Dante to the rescue.

Misha said...

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a giant floofy kitty!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! You sure ARE SuperManCat!!! You look furry dapper in your wardrobe! And, are those black squirrels??? We've neffur seen black ones before and can't understand why you didn't try to get them!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Dante you are so cute in that outfit - I am surprised the squirrels don't stay away out of fear of Supermancat!

Marlene said...

Found your blog via Cat with a Garden...

Dante, you are truly a Supermancat. Absolutely stunning!

SuziQCat said...

Looking good Dante, I mean, Supermancat! I can't believe those squirrels were still coming around...don't they see how dangerous you are now? Maybe you should get them all sweaters to wear too :)