Wednesday, March 24, 2010



Kea said...

Oh, who's the cutie pie visitor? Does Dante know him/her already? He doesn't seem bothered by the dog at all.

I think my three would freak if they met a dog up close. Well, Nicki torments the puppy on the other side of our fence, but he gets all bristly and defensive/territorial. Not sure how he'd fare nose-to-nose!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

That Dante is a friend of feline and canine alike! He can really hold his own even with a dog... You can almost see the thought bubble over the dog's head... WTF? What the feline that is! XO Love you Dante!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, what is that thing?

Anonymous said...

Wow Dante... you're almost as big as that woofie!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Ok that is very cute - they are about the same size. And I love Dante's expression in the third to last picture - totally hilarious.

The Monkeys said...

You're such a cool dude, Dante (even though that one picture you look just a little bit freaked out!)!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Dante, you are nearly as big as your visitor. I bet you could chase him!

SuziQCat said...

Dante you are so brave!

Anonymous said...

It must to be the same size as woofies when you meet them! The facial expressions are priceless!

Jacqueline said...

What great pictures!...Dante is a sweetheart=love the kisses between friends; animals teach us so much about loving!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Dante, your tail is way to floofy to know if it was poofed!! It looks like you excepted that woofie fairly well=^Y^=

Lynx217 said...

You don't need a cat dictionary to read a Coon's face, do ya? LOL
We love ya, Dante!

Marg said...

All right Dante, getting to know a doggie. The doggie looks like he/she is nice. We love our dogs and they love us. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Dante, you aren't even askeered of that dog?! Wow! You are one brave mancat! We would all be finding a good hidey hole.

HubbleSpacePaws said...

That's it, Dante! Show 'em what "cool cat" means!

Kas said...

Looked like a stand off to begin with and then they decided all was ok???

cats of wildcat woods said...

You don't look at all happy in the first photos but then you guys made friends. Who is your visitor?

Cat Mandu said...

Oh, no! That looks like a dog. Did you try talking to him?

Noll's Nip said...

What a nice little visitor you had. You are to be admired for how cool you are.

Fambly kittens said...

You did furry goods wif dat doggy, Mr. Dante. Do you think that you would yike ours? They is lots bigger but they yikes dat kitties, too☺

PeeEss, Miss Camille Suzanne is bein' naughty on our bloggy tomorrow☺

Anonymous said...

My dearest, I have left my Easter Card for you on my bloggy. My ♥, ever yours, wishes you and your family a furry Happy Easter Sunday.

Miss Camille Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Dante, you never cease to amaze!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Dante, you are much braver than I would be.

Cats in Trees said...

We almost missed this one. Dante is so very friendly