These shots show just how much his coat has filled out. It's mostly his undercoat, his mane and the fur around his face that floof up. It's almost like he has swelled -- but he's still his same svelte self under all that bounty.
Also, I have been asked why I keep Dante on a leash, and the answer to that is twofold. First of all, I signed a contract with his breeder stating that I would not allow him to roam free. Second of all, even his vet is in agreement that if I did let him roam, someone is quite likely to take him.
From all of my experience, taking him to the pet store and even to the vet's office, people are very attracted to him. And I've had lots of people tell me jokingly they want to take him home. How many of you would like to take him home with you?
Dante is allowed out without a leash in our backyard which is completely fenced, with all possible escape holes sealed up with mesh wire. My other ally in keeping Dante secure is gravity itself. He is too heavy to jump the fence like the other cats.
For your extra added enjoyment, here is another video of Dante taken just the other day. It's my friend, Susan, talking in the background.
Here's the link to YouTube:
Video of: Dante and That Darn Squirrel