Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Dante is spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with his fiance, Sascha, at her home in South Carolina.

They are still in a very romantic stage of their relationship, and Christmas serves to bring them even closer.

Tonight, they are going out Christmas carrolling in Sascha's neighpurrhood.

 Dante loves to belt out a tune ...

... and Sascha likes to sing along in PURRfect harmony!

Later that night they returned to Sascha's house, where her family had started a cozy fire before retiring to bed to leave the two lovers alone together.

There was lots and lots of cuddling before ...

... they finally leaned in for a kiss!

There's absolutely no doubt that these two are still sweet on each other!

Could this mean there are PURRhaps wedding bells in the near future?

With Love from Dante and Sascha

Friday, December 19, 2014


This is another PURRennial Christmas favourite.

Dante's in full winter coat standing proud against the wall of snow. 
True to his Maine Coon 'hairitage' he truly enjoys the white stuff.

"I'm dreamin' of a white Crismuss!", he sings.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Dante's out on the PURRowl looking for those who are needy.

 He has a sleigh full of presents to give out.

But then he saw these tiny animals hunkered down under a tree, and he realized that his Christmas gifts weren't going to cut it.

So Dante took a trip to the grocery store and returned with bags and bags of carrots.

"Not efurrywun needs da same fing", said he.  "Creechurs great an' creechurs small has verreh different requiremints."

"Creechurs great, like movie stars and royalties fink dey need lots an' lotsa carats ta wear on dere fingahs an' toes."

"But creechurs small ackshully need lotsa carrots jus' to survive da wintah!"

"Sumtimes it's da small fings in life dat is most impawtant" concludes Dante.

Rabbits efurrywhere are cheering for Dante's conclusion which has inspired his new
 Christmas Carrot Campaign.  Now THAT'S what Christmas is all about!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Dante has very high standards ...

... especially when it comes to benches.

                "Benches hasta be able ta wifstand all kinds a weddah condishuns", says he.

"Like bein' piled high wif snow, fur instance."

"Dis purrticular bench has made it fru many seesuns -- in wind, rain, sleet, snow an' sun."

"An' it's still in PEEK shape."

"Dat's why I'm gonna set a new benchmark ...

... an' give it my PURRSonal stamp of approval!"

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Dante's outside at the edge of the house where the snow has built up to impassable levels.

The sun is casting shadows on the snow and on Dante, but where it hits him directly his fur is brilliantly lit.

 "I am jus' a shadoe of my former self", says he.

But once he emerges from the corner, his new self virtually glows, and now HE'S the one casting shadows.

"Dat's more like it!" he exclaims.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Dante was out on the front porch a few days ago and the sun was shinely brightly upon him.  He hadn't ventured out, of late, so he was awestruck by the sparkling white snow.

Dante's red fur sure makes a bold contrast with the whites and blues of the snow and ice.

 "I wishus efurrywun a HOLLY, JOLLY Chrissmuss", says he.

 "Boy oh boy, dese red berries look joosy, but da leafs is so PURRickly!"

 "So I fink I'll try a liddle snow instead.  Ahhhh ... dat's da PAWS dat refreshus!"

Dante stared so long at the beautiful scene before him -- it was like watching paint dry.   So, I turned it into a watercolour portrait.  Now he's captured forever!

Then I tried the watercolour pencil effect on him, and it, too, seemed to agree with him just fine!

 So, I caught him up in sparkles and white pine.

Some folk like to travel the world, but Dante is happy to stay here and turn himself into a 'Snowglobe Trotter'.  That way, he isn't pining for home, he's right there amongst them!

Monday, December 8, 2014


Dante was sitting out on the front porch yesterday, just thinking.

"Gee, it's reely startin' ta look like Chrismass wif all dis snow!", says he.

And the more he thought, the more festive Dante's mood became.  Now he was getting quite excited.

"I kin hardly wait 'til Santa comes", says Dante breathlessly.  "I'm wunna his biggest advoCATS!"

"Now dat I has myself in gear, dis Crismass is gonna be sumfin verreh, verreh speshul."  Then, with the help of the birdies on his head, Dante breaks into song.

"Cod rest ye merreh gentlecats
Let nuffin yoo dis May ..."

"Cuz a' course Crismass is in Decembrrr -- NOT in May -- so stop restin', get in gear (like me) an' move yoor butts!"

16 shopping days left til Christmas!

Friday, December 5, 2014


Every year I post this picture of Dante in early December because it's so aptly seasonal.  When  you see this picture, you know for sure that Christmas is not far off.

"Dis is da time of year I starts ta feel distinkly SANTAMENTAL!", says he.

"Wot do YOO want fur Christmas?"