This is the second Meet 'n Greet between Dante and Scooter, the woofie, in recent history. Their previous encounter was documented on this blog in a Wordless Wednesday post on November 4th (you can just scroll further down this page to see it, if you wish).
This time around I am calling Scooter a good dog. I guess at one time his beans thought he was bad, because he's had his barking box removed (poor thing)! I tend to think it's the beans fault for not training a woofie properly, rather than the dog's fault for barking too much.
Anyway, Scooter is often walked by another neighbour (not his owner) named Danielle. She lost her own beloved woofie a couple of years ago, and so she bonds with her neighbour's pets now.
Danielle was very frightened the first time Scooter encountered Dante last week, because she said he's usually very nasty with cats. However, I don't think Scooter had any idea that Dante was a cat! Dante is at least as big as Scooter, if not a little larger -- he's certainly taller, anyway.
The first meeting ended very well, and was quite amicable, so this week when Danielle came walking by with Scooter again, she brought him up the driveway. When Dante saw him coming, he rushed right over to greet him. Unfortunately, you only ever see the back of Dante in these pictures, but you get the general idea.
Scooter's tail was wagging madly in a very friendly way. He was delighted to see Dante again! Indeed, when Dante ultimately turned to walk up the porch steps to sit in the porch chair, Scooter pulled on his leash, and Danielle allowed him to follow. Scooter lay right down in front of the chair where Dante was sitting! Unfortunately, the battery in my camera had run down by then, so I didn't capture that part of the visit.
It was so sweet to realize that Scooter actually likes Dante that much. He didn't even want to leave when Danielle finally tugged on his leash and told him it was time to go. She had to encourage him gently, and finally with a brief nod to his new friend, Danielle and Scooter took their leave.
Until next time, amigo!

I wasn't prepared to take a movie, but I guess my camera was on the video setting when I first turned it on (you'll hear my big "whoops"!). This film is a whole two seconds, but if you look quickly, you can see Scooter's tail wagging happily.
Dante is very attracted to woofies. He really doesn't know the difference between cats and dogs either, I think. All he knows is that it's a new little friend. Isn't that sweet?
Dante is as gentle as they come. They don't call Maine Coons "Gentle Giants" for nothing!