Once again, the main changes in the gardens, front and back, are to the trees. So Dante is taking us on a tour to see the current state of his estate.
"Heer we are in da frunt yawd. Yoo kin see dat dere's many moar leefs on da grownd dan before."
"An' dese leefs is orinj -- mai fafurite!"
"Dis twee is called a 'Manitoba Mapull' cuz I gess dat's ware it wuz borned."
"An' heer I is on da fwont steps, lookin' at da big spwuce twee fru da bushes."
"Just lookit all da lovely awetum foliages undah it. Isn't awetum awesum?"
"Heer's me an' FURnando in da back yawd. As usual, he's haffin' a snack."
"Yoo kin see since last time, dat da Sunset Mapull has turned all orinj -- jus' da way I likes it!"
"An' many moar of its leefs has fallen to da grownd."
Before Dante can finish narrating the tour of his estate, Dylan does a 'drive-by snooting'!
"How wude!", exclaims Dante.
"Todai da shadoes is makin' me luks like a wacoon!", says Dante. "Isn't dat funneh?"
"Heer's a close-up view of da bootiful orinj mapull leefs."
"Dey makes da yawd so colour full! But Daddy says he's gonna 'mulch' dem -- is dat anyfing like 'munch'? Dat's an awful lotta leefs to eat at wun sitting!"
"Well, dat's the current state of mai estate. FURnando an' I hopes dat yoo enjoyed yoor visit.
Until next time, so long mai furiends!"