I think Dante needs his own spurread in a magazine or purrhaps his own calendar! Certainly "Playcat" comes to mind -- is there such a publication?
Is there anyone out there who knows how one would proceed with getting Dante published in some manner? I suppose it's something many of us covet, in the Cat Blogosphere. Kitty fame. Or some semblance of it.
Dante does indeed already have modest fame. Like Melvin of the Mouchois blog, Dante has appeared on the popular website "Cute with Chris", many, many times. In fact so many times that some followers are all up in arms because Dante has monopolized so much of Chris Leavins' time, energy and webspace.
Chris even made up the Dante banner, which is the first picture in this current post, and left it up on his website for a couple of weeks in June. He said Dante could just take over his website! (Sounds good, but that statement was laced with sarcasm.)
Beginning on June 17th in purrticular, Chris devoted an entire day to posting pictures of Dante. Never mind that he was pretending he was sick and tired of Dante, and that I was driving him crazy by sending in so many pictures. Chris really loves Dante under all of that comedic arrhythmia!
Chris topped it off with a rant about Dante in his last webcast on June 22nd. So Dante is a little bit famous, indeed more infamous at this point in time.
Dante also appears on the Homepage of his breeder's website at www.lacocoon.com and is listed as one of their Ambassadors, as well. If you look at the Maine Coons on this site, you will note that Dante is not the exception in terms of good looks, in fact, he is the rule.
So while Dante has never been shown at Cat Shows, he is still being shown, but from the comfurt of his own home. He has never been judged, except lovingly.
That love is unCOONditional! And that, after all, is more impawtant than some fleeting thing called FAME!
Dante is really beautiful!
Sure it could work as a model cat =)
Jas & Gi
You are quite handsome Dante. Sometimes places like the cb and also the Cat's Meow on Catster will talk about places that have contests and such for cat photos.
Wow Playcat! That would be something to see, Dante as a centerfold!
He is indeed an awesome kitty and deserves to be noticed!
We love the banner. Dante really does deserve to be in Playcat!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We agree, love should always be unconditional. Dante is beautiful and we love him.
Milo and Alfie xx
You should try and submit something to Cute Overload - they have a calendar each year that uses the pictures from their website - I know my kitty Virgil will be in the 2010 calendar (they print in July) but I am sure Dante would be perfect for the 2011 (if you can wait that long!) And I am sure one of the cat magazines would just love to have a picture of him - he is a beatuiful kitty and his eyes are so pretty - he would be a perfect model!
We stopped by earlier and read this, then Mom suddenly had to leave the blogging room. She said she had to get ready for work, but we think she was just swooning over Dante's orinchy goodness too much to type.
I think Dante is definitely Covercat or Calendar worthy! He's gorgeous!
We agree that he should be in Playcat. That squirrel is very cheeky.
We agree that he should be in Playcat.
That squirrel is very cheeky.
Dante you is one handsome floofy kitty dat is for sures! Purrrrrrrrrs
I think Dante is well handsome! I think if he entered a cat show he would win paws down! No other cat would have a chance against Dante's floof and fur and handsomness...
GORGEOUS, as usual!
As the charter member of the Dante Fanclub... and his GR8est PURRmoter right after his momma Wendy... I can honestly say that having been at many cat shows... I haven't seen any Maine Coon who can hold a candle to this boy. KUDOS to Jean and Danielle his breeders... and also to Wendy for keeping him in tip top-cat shape! I also think that you can see the love of their PURRson on cat's faces... He is well loved that's fur sure!
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