Friday, July 31, 2009


The first picture shows Dante looking rather leonine. This photo was taken just a couple of days ago.

I have begun to notice that Dante's fur is starting to thicken up, again, although it is only the beginning of August! Last year, I noticed this trend starting at the end of August, so I guess this year he's ahead of the game.

As Dante's fur volume increases, he looks more and more lion-like. His mane becomes huge and overflows into his underbelly fur (and vice versa, or so it seems).

The pictures following the first one show him in the early to late fall, and then winter. He seemed to be at his most lionesque between October and January. Last year he had the biggest mane so far, though perhaps he will exceed that record this year! Dante certainly seems to be on his way.

So, for those of you who already thought Dante was a mini lion -- the best is yet to come! In the snow, he looks quite like Aslan, as has been oft-remarked. To watch Dante's progress over the next few months, stay tuned to this blog as my mane mancat morphs into lionhood once again!

Pee Ess Please check out our latest feature titled "An Ariel View of the LOLSpot"!
Ariel is a brand new blogger-kitty and will appreciate your attention. Just click on the LOL Icon at the top right of this post to take you to the LOLSpot.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is magnificent!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are quite a proud looking lion king Dante!

Reese =^..^= said...

You are soooooo handsome!

Anonymous said...

Dante, Camille's little kitty heart skips a beat every time her momma shows her your purr-ty face.

The Florida Furkids said...

Dante you are magnificent!! We love the picture of you in the snow, but don't your paws get cold??

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Kitty McCormack said...

Dante is a very handsome cat. You must be so proud of him. Kitty x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have a magnificent mane Dante.
We have just noticed we missed your last two posts so we think they couldn't have shown in our reader for some reason.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Dante you are a MANCAT for all seasons... I don't know when you are more magnificent... against the pure white of the snow... or prone in the green lush grass!!! Whatever the season... Dante's the reason to LOVE Maine Coons!!!

The Island Cats said...

You mean he's gonna look more like a lion?? He already looks like the king of beasts!!!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said... are just so handsome!!! LION KING INDEED. Seaborne is our white lion!!!

Love, uSSSSS

Da Fambly Cat-a-blog Kittiez said...

Will Dante's momma please tell Dante' that Miss Camille Suzanne is a lady that is not currently purring with any special beau. She is very delicate in nature with a purr-ticular kitty-tude finding Mr. Dante to be especially man-catty☺

Martin Hooper said...

Oh my goodness what a handsome specimen of cat!

Dante you are handsome and particularly in these pics!!

Whimpurr said...

I can't say it enough... Dante is BREATHTAKING!!! WOW! I bet our dear sweet Topeka was gorgeous in his day! He is so bone thin and has so many mats in his fur. I want to bathe him so badly but I am afraid to stress him out. I'd love to have him groomed but there is no way I'm going to put him through that stress at his age. I am letting it suffice to just remove mats one at a time for now and hopefully be able to bathe him myself in a day or two! My biggest goal is to put some weight on him though!

Whitey said...

Dante, you iz magnificent! Do you s'pose Whitey could have a few furs to fill in mai bald spots?

Quill and Greyson said...

I may swoon...

Luna und Luzie said...

Woah....we are deeply looks ...gorgeous. Really like a lion king!

Thank you for your kind and comforting comment for Ollis brother LV.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow that is a crazy big mane - I haven't ever seen anything like it. I can't belive you get that floofy! Floyd used to get a little more floofy in winter (he is much less floofy now) but no were close to that!