Besides, now that he has a lady love -- the gorgeous Miss Camille Suzanne, he wouldn't want to have his image tarnished in such a fashion.
The weather turned decidedly colder, so the shirt also provided an extra layer of warmth for Supermancat, although his considerable furs should not require any assistance. His mane just doesn't want to stay tucked in. It's so wild and woolly that it escapes at every opportunity.
So, take a look at Dante, Supermancat, in his latest photoshoot, and marvel at his mancatliness (but not how cute he is).
"Hello, Domino!"
Great big red riding hood!
Supermancat at large!
In the garden with the Christmas lights.
Supermancat surveying his domain!
As a side note, Dante really doesn't mind being dressed up. In fact, I think he secretly likes it. He just goes about as normal. He's a far cry from his brother Dylan who runs away and skulks about in the basement, or Domino who walks as if she's in chains and shackles, when dressed.
Dante is a very amenable pussycat. He's very easygoing and gentle. Something that Miss Camille Suzanne should appreciate, being from the South. Dante is a gentlemancat to the core (even when he's super)!
HE is very Manly! That mane is fantastic!
You are one handsome dude, Dante, and do all of us mancats proud. :)))))
Look at that super studly mancat! If there's ever trouble in the blogosphere we sure know who to call!
He sure is one handsome manCat, that'a FUR sure! Miss Camille Suzanne is one lucky ladycat to have the love of such a SuperManCat! We like how his mane spills offur the front of his shirt!
Very very manly!
Very handsome (cute) and mancatly (cute)! We didn't say "cute", but we were thinking it!
We can't get over how cute Dante is in his superman hoodie!!
Dante we don't need a shirt to tell us how super you are, but we think you look pretty neat wearing it!
Dante is quite the mancat in his supermancat shirt!
Such manly photos. Dante, you are a super cat!
Mom thinks you look very handsome.
Very, cu.. er Handsome!!
That is one regal and handsome mancat!
Dante... you are a suPURR cat with or without the suPURRcat shirt!!!
Dante, that is just AWESOME!!!!!! Can you fly around and rescue tunas?
We've given you an award on our blog! :)
My dearest, never did my gentle thoughts wander to imagine that you were eFUR anything but a furry manly MANcat. Why, all one needs to do would be to admire your muscular physique and PURRfect poses to know that you are a MANcat in the most magnificent sense of the word.
I remain your ♥,
The lovely Miss Camille Suzanne
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