Thursday, November 18, 2010


First, Dante wants to show you what his Auntie Susan did to our pots on the front steps.  All the plants had died and the pots were empty.  As a surprise, Susan (who is our neighbour across the street) decorated them with beautiful branches -- mostly silver, with some red and brown accents.  They make a wonderful statement for the upcoming holiday season!  Thank you Auntie Susan!

"Here's what Mama's been talkin' about!"

"Even Furnando stopped by to get a look!"

This next series of pictures shows Dante, as a blurred background of orange, through the spirea bushes.  The effect is totally accidental, as I was trying to focus on Dante instead, but the camera honed in on the branches.  That's what you get for using an automatic focus!

Anyway, once I downloaded them, I really liked the outcome.  They're purrfect for Thursday in the garden! You can see some of the leaves just turning yellow or red around the edges.  All the other trees have long been bare, and the spireas are the last holdout.

Doesn't Dante make a gorgeous splash of colour, even though he's fuzzy?

And just so you don't leave today without seeing Dante's handsome face, here he is in focus!


Kea said...

Dante, your Auntie Susan did a great job decorating your pots. Maybe she could help our mom, who has lights around her shrub and that's all so far.

You're also showing off the spirea quite well! :-)

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Thursday handsome Dante and Dylan and most gorgeous Domino.

Next week we are hoping to get the Mouse-Get-Here" pics posted.


Noll said...

I think Dante looks good fuzzy because he IS fuzzy ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the pics--so gorgeous! That was nice of your neighbor to decorate the pots!

Marg said...

We really like those pictures and like the new pots all decorated. That was so nice of your neighbor. You look good all fuzzy behind those branches, Dante.
Take care and have a fun day.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

LOVE your landscaping and love the feline sculpture too... Fun images with the burning bush! I think I hear the voice of ceiling cat!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

You always look amazing!

Cory said...

Whew! I was worried that we wouldn't get a good look at Dante!!!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We like the effect of those photos too. Dante makes a great backdrop, but of course seeing his wonderfully handsome face is the best treat.