If you recall, last week Dante was busy giving hugs and encouragement to the trees in our yard. It's rather late in the season, and due to cold weather, there was no visible progress.
Here's Dante in the back garden, today. From a distance it doesn't look like anything has changed.
"But sumfing mahvelus has happined!", exclaims Dante. "Jus' look closah!"
There are red buds on the Sunset Maple and they're beginning to open!
And the Crabapple is showing signs of PURRogress, too. Just look at those tiny green buds! It seems that Dante's gentle, loving ways have had an effect in coaxing these trees to life.
"So next on de agenda is to doos a liddle furtilizin'!", says Dante aka The Secretary of Fertilization for the Society of Feline Gardeners.
Dante picks a spot near the Sunset Maple to conduct this serious business.
And, of course, he tidies up after himself.
"I has wun more stop ta make befor mai wurk is dun", says Mister Secretary.
"I hasta giffs eekwal attenshun to mai belovid Crabappull."
Dante is pleased with his efforts, and can't wait to see what further developments his laPURRS will PURRoduce.
"It's so satisfyin' to ackshully see da froots of yoor laPURR, even if da froots are reely jus' buds. An' sumtimes bein' a gardenah is dirty wurk, but sumbuddy's gotta doos it! Dat sumbuddy is me."
"See yoo next time!"