In the far corner, Dante detects signs of a very recent introosion.
He turns, and quickly takes cover behind the maple tree ...
... as he spots the introoder, himself!
Here he is, the shameless thing!
Dante shouts out to him "Get out of my garden, trespasser! Dis is purrivate propurrty."
Dante is only met with stony silence, so he hunkers down ...
... and gives the infiltrator his deadliest stare!
And the brazen beast just stares boldy back at him!
"I am King of the Beasts", declares Dante in his most authoritative voice. "And you will do as I command!"
"Hie thee elsewhere, blackguard, for this is my domain!"
This, the squirrel could no longer deny. He bowed to the King and left swiftly through the treetops.
And this, for today, is the END OF THE TAIL!
Moral of the story: Even a King can have a CLOTHES call!
That'll teach them blackguards a thing or two about facing off with the King!
~Lisa Co9T
Dante- Looks like you were playing hide-n-seek with that black squirrel! :) Love that embroidered smoking jacket... U R smokin big guy! XO
Yeah, show those squirrels who's the king of the forest! By the way, all the neighborhood dogs are now deaf because mama squeed so loudly at King Dante's robe!
No one could prevail against King Dante!
We like pics #2 and #3 the best, with Dante peering around the tree trunk. Just love his expression!
You do look like a king in your royal robes! How dare that squirrel come in your kingdom?????
You certainly got that squirrel to scram. We love your jacket - did you choose the design or do you have a wardrobe manager?
That's a fabulous Kingly Robe. We are sure you'll scare the Bejeezus our of that introoder.
That squirrel shows his face so much on this and the 3d blog, he must be your biggest fan.
Too cute, Wendy!...Dante is gorgeous as always=nice jacket...kisses beautiful King Dante...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
That evil squirrel is no match for King Dante!
That squirrel looks pretty naughty, he looks like he's taunting!
Time to teach him a lesson, King Dante!
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