Thursday, June 2, 2011


Dante is in the front yard today.

He is PURRusing the proPURRty.  The grass is long and lush and green.

"Reeleh, I likes it dis way", says he.  "But we hasta keep up appearances in da neighPURRhood.  Dis is goin' on Daddy's PURRiority list -- to cut da fwont lawn."

"An' now to da gardin.  Yoo see dese flowahs?  Well, mama is finally gonna plants dem in pots."

"Dat's de only kinda plantin' dat Mama does -- in pots.  She says it's cuz weeds cant grow in dere an' its low MAINEtenance.  I gess I mus' be low MAINEtenance, too -- cuz I is a MAINE Coon and I'm sittin' down LOW.  It's da verreh best pawsition for snooPURRvisin'!"

This is a view from the front porch on one side.  The freshly potted flowers will take a little while to fill out. 

And this is the view from the other side.  All of the pots have been planted with impatience and petunias in shades of pink, red, white, and purple.  The big iron urns on the front steps contain some stunning deep pink double impatience and some other stuff that trails over the side.  If anybody knows what it is, please let us know.

This is a wider view of the front walkway.  We could finally put out all of our garden cats!

This is our little garden cat family.  They have tuxies and red and cream tabbies, just like us!  Also, please note the little kitty pot hanger on the plant pot.

And this is our pride and joy (aside from our real kitties, of course!).  It is our Jim Shore Birdbath.  We've had it now for about 6 years and have never seen a bird in it.  Dante, Dylan and Domino do like to use it as a big water glass, though!  They get up on their tippy-toes to drink out of it.

Here are some of my favourite garden cats.  First, on the little garden bench are two Buddha cats, Senior and Junior, along with a Japanese Lucky Cat waving hello.  Next come two porcelain hand-painted beauties who are PURRfect to adorn any garden.  Then we have two blue calico cats who are basically mirror images of each other.

"Mama finely finished plantin' in da front gardin, but dere's still some flowahs left ovah.  She says we kin put dem in pots in da back yard, but I fink dey looks pretty jus' sittin' on da chair.  Domino mite fink udderwise", says Dante.

"Dat's all fur dis week.  I fink I deserves a snooze.  All dat snooPURRvisin' is verreh hard work!"


Fuzzy Tales said...

Dante, are you sure your dad should mow the front lawn? Just asking! LOL!

You *have* been busy snoopervising! Our mom likes container gardening too, for the same reasons, and with some idea that the annuals will be safe from our "attentions." (If you check our post today, you'll see whether that's the case.)

And we love all your garden cats and birdbath. We wonder why no birds come to bathe in it? It's gorgeous. Maybe it's not in a spot they would want to be?

Happy Thursday!

Unknown said...

Your yard is pawsome! Ours not so much. Wes been having sooo much rain, nothing has gotten done. We still needs to plant in the vegetable garden!
Me loves all your garden cats too!

Forty Paws said...

Wow! Those are purrty pictures! And we love your bird bath, even though no birdies use it.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

We also love that birdbath! And your garden is gorgeous as always! Good job, Dante (and your mama, too!)

Cat said...

Oh my gosh I just love all your garden cats! Your bird bath is absolutely fantastic...I just zipped over to Jim Shore's website to see if there were any available but sadly there aren't.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Boy your beans have been busy int he garden. It looks lovely as do you! We like all the cat themed ornaments!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I like all those garden cats but you are the best garden cat of all Dante!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Wow, Dante, that is a nice garden to snoopervise and snooze in. We think the birds smell cat spit in the bird bath and won't use it cuz a that. We don't have many flowers in our back garden on account of only a small part of it gets sun for very long. And it's not Mom's. It belongs to her landlady. Dante, you look handsome in the long grasses.

Hannah and Lucy said...

What a lovely garden Dante - we hope you are furry proud of it. We love you cat ornaments - did you all model for them?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

Dante, that must so exhausting doing all that snooopervising. That is a lot of pots to look after. Our Mom plants things in pots too but not as many as you have. You sure have a pretty yard. Take care.

8GR8LOLCATS said...

LOVE the pictures of the very red Dante against the very LUSH emerald green lawn. Isn't it amazing how GREEN everything is this year? Is your lawn dry enough to cut? That has been our problem. Dante the cat for all seasons- but I think I PURR-FUR him in Springtime... The whole red and green theme is gorgeous!

Mr Puddy said...

Dante, I think your pawrents have a lot of good collections of the cats. I like the bird bath one...cause I love to do cat chattering " KA-KA;KAKA ! " freak the bird out...heh..heh

Clooney said...

Wow! How awesome is your yard and garden! We like your little garden cat family. Dante, you're lookin' pretty spectacular and we so enjoyed your tour and commentary. Great post!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohhh Dante, such a regal man!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

our Mom hankers after yoor Jim Shore bird bath ~ she's keeping an eye owt for one on ebay. She thinks it is really beautiful. Yoor pots are lovely too.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Dante..I thought you were not available in any way so I didn't list my very real crush (mommy has one too) on you.


Amy & the house of cats said...

hi Dante! We think the garden looks so good!Our mom used to plant stuff in pots but now she doesn't really plant anything because there is too much shade at our house. WE are glad we still get to look at pretty gardens like yours since we don't really have one of our own!