"First, I wanna show yoo the best way to watah a gahdin", says Dante.
"You find a sentril spot on hi ground ...

... an' den yoo slowly watahs it so da moisture trickles down to all of de surroundin' plants."
"Acourse yoo hasta move frum spot to spot to get suffishent coverage, but dis tecknique is effishent an' clean."
"Now I tells yoo how NOT ta watah a gahdin. My Auntie Renate giffed us a big hosta, so I tole Dada ware ta plant it."
"Jus' look at wot Dada did next -- ovah dere!"
"Wot a hosah! He sprayed watah efurryware except IN da gahdin! Seems like a reel hit an' miss method ta me."
"Sheesh -- hoomans! Wot's a pussycat to do?"