Friday, January 27, 2017


This is a picture from January of 2012.

Here's Dante in his favourite sweater.  January can be quite nippy, so he's glad of the extra layer (especially around his achy hips).

Dante always wondered why they called it a 'sweater' though because it never made him sweat!  It just made him feel nice 'n cozy.  So perhaps sweaters should be called cozies.

Whaddya think?


da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....we call thiz yur lookin awesum.....ya had de look oh de tiger bout yur self with thoz stripez ~~~ ♥♥♥☺☺☺

Henry said...

Awww such a cute photo! Looking too adorable :) Henry

catladymac said...

I read a couple cat blogs from the UK - they seem to refer to them as "jumpers" - that would seem to fit the idea here !