Saturday, May 23, 2009


The sun was dappling some awesome patterns on Dante this morning. The spots of light illuminating his fur are reminiscent of an appaloosa or a leopard lit by wildfire.

I just kept snapping pictures as he shifted poses efur so slightly, and it was actually purrty hard to choose which ones to display. So here’s a whole bunch of them. Purrhaps you can tell me which one you think is best.

In any event, Dante makes one fantastic Maine Coon light show – that’s fur sure. There’s nothing like some Sunny-D on an easy Sunday morn!


♣icefox♣ said...

Wow, so gorgeous! I can't decide which one I like best though... anyway, I'm the first commenter! Yay!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We can see why you could not pick a favorite. We can not either!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The sun does look gorgeous on your fur!

las794 said...

What a beautiful cat! I love the photos where he's all corkscrewed around--kitties are so flexible!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

How could we choose one? They are all beautiful. If we really had to choose one, maybe the next to last as it shows off his majestic head and mane. Mum wants to snorgle all that wonderful floof. Should we be worried?

BooBoo said...

Those are good pictures. But in a few of them he looks like he's wondering: Why does she keep taking my picture?

Milo said...

No don't make us chhose 'cos ALL those picshures are gorjuss!

We went outside in the sun this morning too. I was allowed to walk free wivout a leash - but little Alfie was on reigns becos Mom said he is still too young to be sensible. Mom and Dad stayed wiv us and we all enjoyed the sunshine togevver.

The Island Cats said...

Dante, you wear that sun well!

Cory said...

I liked all of them but mom says she likes the 4th one best because the sunlight is not on Dante's face, but still on his fur. All I know is that each picture makes me want to snuggle in all the floof!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Fourth from the bottom, but hard to choose.

Anonymous said...

The beauty of it is that we do not have to choose! We can love them all!

Anonymous said...

The photos of your cats are lovely but all of them are outside. Are they ever allowed in the house?

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Fabulous photos of a sun dappled Dante... Looks like the light fairies are doing a dance on him!

The Creek Cats said...
