These are all pictures of Dante in an upright pawsition. He certainly seems to enjoy standing up fur himself! Of course, it's easiest fur him if he has something to balance against, and I'm not saying he could walk upright, but it is pawsible that he could be the missing lynx -- you know the one between ape and man.
After all, Dante is very lynx-like in looks and size, and he has a definite intelligence beyond his species -- his understanding of human language, fur instance. Not to say that he doesn't have the typical feline characteristics of ignoring what you say, but he is fully capable of following instructions -- to a point!
With his leash he was purrpetually getting tangled outside, and I would always use the same words "Dante, back up, go around, big tangle"! Well, though he was resistant at furst, he came to understand by doing what I said that he would not get caught. It sure beats having to unmesh his leash from bush branches and unwind him from around trees and other stationary objects. Now all I have to do is actually warn him that he's about to get into a "big tangle" and he'll back up and retreat the way he came. Anyway, all this is just to demonstrate his smarts -- due to a bigger brain, I believe.
This all supports my theory that Dante may indeed be the missing lynx, or else he is simply an upright kittizen of the feline kind. What do you think?
I saw both, you look super cute Dante!
Wow he is some big boy. I would say a catizen!! He is biggr then my maine coon, Thought he was large but yours tops him.
We don't know if he is the missing Lynx. If he isn't, we hope the lynx gets found. We do know he is a very smart handsome mancat and we like his upright photos.
Mom: I just typed in a long comment and then Alfie walked over the keyboard and it was lost!
Milo: I'd love to meet Dante 'cos he is gorjuss and clever. Alfie is always getting his lead in a tangle.
Alfie: I am SO not!
Clearly, Dante is very intelligent! But all Mom can say is "Wow, he's gorgeous!"
Dante is such a gorgeous boy! He definitely sounds like he's very intelligent too!
That is some amazing floofage, Dante, and what a smart guy you are!
Tamar and Charlemagne
I really think that is a Maine Coon thing - Floyd is really smart and he is part Maine Coon - that and the extremely long body. I love all the pictures, but I have to say that last picture totally looks like a catalog pose!
Oh my goodness, wonderful photos! The very first photo really shows off Dante's amazing coat. I think I have a little fur-envy!
These are some of my faFURite shots of Dante... I like the whole PEEPING Tom-cat Dante... Also very cute up against the tree... TREE-HUGGER Dante... I think he belongs in the Gifted and Talented Class!
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