These pictures show Dante in his most extreme floofiness, or as Carm calls it, with his "blown coat". I had never seen Dante look as full as this in previous years, nor so early in the season.
The first snow actually came at the end of October, so he was living up to his purrdictions about an early winter, although the snow did not stay initially.
Dante looks gorgeous amongst all the colours of fall, and actually becomes a "blender cat" in the leaves around him. It's really hard to say which is the best season for him, as he seems to morph into the purrfect enhancement to any natural background.
Now that is FLOOFINESS PURRsonified! That boy could weather a n'oreaster with the best of them...
Maybe he could be the N'oreaster Bunny!!!
Stay warm- these next couple days are supposed to be a revisitation to winter!!!
Great Pictures.
totally serious fluffiness! moms head is swooning over it.
Wow! Amazing fluffiness there .. almost look like a miniature lion! How majestic!
Dante looks like a lion!!!
GORGEOUS ! indeed.
can i squueze under for some warmth in this cold april weather please.
absolutely beautiful.
Wow, Dante, yoor really handsome! Punkin, da one dat came before, was a Norwegian Forest cat and she did purrty much da same thing. She din't look as much like a lion as yoo but she did get a nice ruff around her neck and her furs on her belly and feets got extra thick in da winter.
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